
What Clients Are Saying About Jacquie ...




"This is a level of growth I never expected. It truly is like I am living my dream. This is all because of Jacquie's excellent coaching and her belief in me. This is more than I could have imagined in my wildest dreams."

June N
"Before coaching I experienced stress, worry, poor sleeps and low locus of control.
I identified with many shoulds and had little desire for what I wanted -- personal desires felt undefinable in a way. Now? I have more confidence and more fun! I'm not so serious about self-development, but really into feeling happy and my life happening. I now have an art practice I love, I spend less time on work that feels like a mediocre fit
and I'm investing in real estate to match my desires."
Marcy M.
Academic, Producer
"Since working with Jacquie I am now in a secure, stable, loving, and wildly inspiring relationship, and have created new and better friendships and work relationships than ever before
I have succeeded in multiple "fun and recreation" goals that I had put off for many years
I've successfully started my dream business with my dream business partner, and have created the financial and schedule flexibility needed to grow my business to take it full time next year."
Nicole T.

Coach and Tech Consultant